sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

International procedure of accounting (NIC)

With the approval of the regulation that establishes the application of the international procedure of accounting, the European union turns into the principal engine for the expansion of a few procedure of high quality conceived from a world perspective, redounding to benefit of a financial transparent and comparable information beyond his borders.

On the other hand, the accounting, as science and technology of the financial and operational information of the economic entities, has to To expire with requirements every day major. The increasing needs of information to plan, to finance and to control the national development, needed by a innumerous of entities of the State; the needs of information of workers and investors; the development of sophisticated procedures.

administrative officer - book-keepers to control the enormous volumes and complex operations of the companies, which have made indispensable the tool of the computation and the complications that it involves to use the currency as boss of measure, in countries affected by inflation, raise a real challenge to our profession.

To give a better understanding of this study it brings over of the international procedure, there will be announced his history, his aims, which they mean for this included world, defining with the major precision each of these procedure, accompanied of the parallel one with the procedure generally accepted in Chile. And to end, a brief conclusion that there will speak to us of more of the international procedure.

These procedure have been product of big studies and efforts of different educational, financial and professional entities of the countable area worldwide, to standardize the financial information presented in the financial statements. The NIC, since he is known popularly, are a set of procedure or laws that establish the information that they owe To appear in the financial statements and the form in which this information must appear, in the above mentioned conditions. The NIC are not physical or natural laws that were waiting for his discovery, but rather procedure that the man, in agreement his commercial experiences, has considered of importance’s in the presentation of the financial information.


· Colombia, in agreement with his juridical tradition, does not have a countable information orientated towards the public market of values. It tends to be more of traditionalist character, which impedes the process of standardization.

· it is necessary to think with a futurist vision, which allows the adoption of the new financial structure.

· ·The standards of accounting in Colombia, do not have a conceptual extended development, which impedes his comparability with international standards.

· In Colombia, there exists overlap of countable and tributary procedure, which, it does difficultly to separate totally the conceptual frame of the comprehensive bases of the financial reports of general intention, of the comprehensive bases of the taxation.

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